Months ago, I asked my friend who develops apps to make a Tehillim app, and have a feature that would spell out a cholehs name in Perek 119. He told me that its a nice idea, but he doesnt have the time for it. Recently, I came across this app, and very excitedly, downloaded it. Boruch Hashem, it has proven to be well worth it.
Now, reading these reviews, I see that there was another person with the same request, almost a year ago, and that leads me to believe that there are surely others. It is very cumbersome to have to scroll up and down (or flip pages if you use a sefer), and try to remember which letter you are up to. It would be very helpful, for those who are mispallel daily using Perek 119, to have a feature which would spell out the name, and "kra Satan".
Please consider it in earnest. With all the good that you do, this would be yet another feather in your Heavenly cap, and I am sure that it, too, would be a great source of merit for the neshama of your mother, alehoh hashalom. She must have been a very special person to have merited sons who have accomplished so much for Klal Yisrael. Kol mi sheoskim tzorchei tzibur beemunah, Hakodosh Boruch Hu yeshalem schorom. Ashreichem and yasher kochachem.